Which Zodiac shows most diplomatic traits? Libra, Capricorn..?
Diplomacy is the thing to balance the
situation. To avoid clashes
between peoples ,we lie a little bit. It is not a bad thing it only depends on you how you use diplomacy. To defend yourself or to harm others. All fire n air signs are diplomat. But most perfect diplomacy traits are shown by are Libra traits and Capricorn traits.
between peoples ,we lie a little bit. It is not a bad thing it only depends on you how you use diplomacy. To defend yourself or to harm others. All fire n air signs are diplomat. But most perfect diplomacy traits are shown by are Libra traits and Capricorn traits.
What else Libra traits n Capricorn traits shows?
They are also very social because they
want to increase their contacts. Their
policy is to make as many contacts which will benefit them in future. Libra
traits shows a management of all friends
they have because there is always a chance of having two friends such that they
are not at all friendly with each other. Now the situation demands diplomacy
in order to please both of them.
To which level their diplomacy can go in Libra traits?
Also they want to take credits of that
good job which is not done by them. And they blame others for bad jobs which
was actually done by them. They play pure politics sometime very dirty n cheap.
Unlike Capri Libra traits has little morals which enables them to help others
when they need. But Capri is a perfect diplomat they will do good to others
when they see they will get some good in return.
Read More About Libra